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  • Korean Network

    Korean people, 1% of the world’s population Korean territory, 0.07% of the world’s total land Should the size of the population or its land decide Korea’s global influence in the 21st century? Henry Kissinger, a master of diplomacy Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft and one of the richest people in the world Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook (the biggest SNS in the world) Steven Spielberg, the most influential figure of the Hollywood movie industry They are people with [...]

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  • Admiral Yi Sun-sin of the 21st century

    Do you know the story about how 50 cents made possible the world’s No.1 shipbuilding yard? In the early 1970s, the late founder of Hyundai, Jung Ju-young, visited the U.K. to gain investment for starting a Korean shipbuilding industry.  “The poor country of Korea is incapable of developing a shipbuilding industry.” Due to such pessimistic views of Korea, Jung had a tough time attracting investment. He made one last try at A&P Appledore International, a British shipbuilding company. Its chairman, [...]

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  • Do you know the people of this country?

    Have you ever heard about the people of this country? These people live at the intersection where the cultures of the continent and the ocean meet. However, they have maintained their own unique culture and tradition for 5000 years. Throughout its history, China was ruled by many powerful dynasties. China constantly asked this country to obey the China-centered world order and culture. Nevertheless, the people of this country persistently resisted and created their own culture. 漢字 (Hanzi) Chinese characters, called Hanzi, functioned [...]

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  • King Sejong the Great

    Average annual growth rate over the last 10 years = 9.2% The first among G-20 member countries GDP = $7.42 trillion The second largest in the world Military expenditure The second highest in the world Expected to become the world’s largest economic power by 2018 – The Economist, British weekly newspaper Expected to become the world’s largest economic power by 2016 – The International Monetary Fund (IMF) Became the world’s second largest economic power in 2012 This is a country [...]

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  • Korea, the Helpful Country

    67,890,000,000,000 Can you count this number? 67,890,000,000,000 = Around 70 trillion won (12.7 billion dollars) The amount of international aid Korea received for 50 years :1945 – 1999 However, Korea overcame its difficult times and joined the world’s top 10 economic superpowers. In 2000, Korea left its status as an OECD beneficiary. In 2009, Korea joined the OECD Development Assistance Committee, which provides more than 90% of international aid. The whole country was devoted to economic development. Within half century, [...]

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  • 이 나라 사람들을 아시나요?

    혹시 이 나라 사람들에 대해 들어본 적이 있나요? 이 나라 사람들은 대륙과 해양문화가 교차하는 동북아시아에서 5천년의 기나긴 시간 동안 그들만의 문화와 전통을 지켜온 사람들입니다. 과거 역사 속 광활한 중국대륙을 지배했던 아시아 강대국들 그들은 이 나라 사람들에게 중국 중심의 국제질서와 문화를 끊임없이 요구했지만 이 나라 국민들은 끊임없이 저항하며 새로운 문화를 창조해왔습니다 漢字 아시아 전역에서 공통의 문어구실을 했던 중국의 문자 하지만 이 나라 사람들은  중국 중심의 문화질서를 거슬러 15세기, 그들만의 독창적인 문자를  발명했습니다 “우리 나라 말이 중국과 달라 백성들이 말하고자 하는 바 [...]

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